2024 Word of the Year

2024 Word of the Year

Do you agree that 2024 came rushing in?! Although I've tried in the past, I've never been one for New Year's Resolutions. Frankly, every attempt ended up broken or forgotten in no time. Maybe it's the creative in me, but Resolutions always felt too confining, performance-based, and made me feel like a failure the moment I slipped up. And restarting after slipping up just felt daunting, too.
A few years back, I stumbled upon a different approach – creating a Word of the Year. It resonated with me in ways resolutions never did.


Let me share my Word of the Year journey with you:
2020: Courage I chose Courage because I was having such a hard time actually sharing my work with the world. 
2021: Intentional By this time, I had started a my Instagram page, but decided I wanted it to be a bit more focused. I chose the word intentional to help me stay intentional about what I was sharing with the world. I had dreams of turning this hobby into a real job and knew I needed to make things more aligned and not so confusing. 
2022: Onward This was basically a continuation of the year prior. I realized it was hard to streamline everything as a multi-passionate person, so I just wanted to stay the course, onward! I finally started my business this year! 
2023: Together My goal last year was to get my life together (is that even really possible) personally and professionally. My business was a year old, and it still felt like there were too many loose ends. I also wanted to physically get together with my friends and family more.


My 2024 Word of the Year: Flow

…it’s simple yet packed with meaning.
Word of the Year: flow
According to the World Wide Web Dictionary, here’s how FLOW is defined:
Flow (noun)1. the action or fact of moving along in a steady, continuous stream. 2. a steady, continuous stream of something.
This year, my focus is on discovering and maintaining a creative flow. A steady, continuous stream of creation, finding joy in the process, and passing that joy along to you and others. I love the simplicity of it, and I love the challenge it packs. Being a creative, you probably know that maintaining creativity all the time is no walk in the park. But having this as my focus provides a foundation I can always return to regardless how off track I get.
If you've been following me on IG, you've seen me writing out your Word of the Year in my Stories – a tradition going strong for about three years now! If you're still seeking inspiration, head to my stories (saved to a highlight after 24 hours) for dozens of words that might resonate with you. And hey, if you're not sure where to start, grab this FREE Guide! Here's to making 2024 the best year yet!


Whatever your Word of the Year, Resolutions, or Goals are…remember to give yourself some grace, take it day by day and enjoy the process! 
As always… Create Often + Spread Love! 
xo, mb

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