Copying vs Inspired By...

Copying vs Inspired By...

It happened again...

Have you ever spent HOURS brainstorming, creating, videoing, editing, posting, responding, etc...and then another artist comes along and swipes your ideas. In the words of Cher from Clueless....Ugh, as if!

All jokes aside...

It really is extremely annoying when all your hard work is ripped off by someone else, and unfortunately it really isn't that uncommon.  
I read an awesome book on the topic called, Steal Like An Artist. It talks about how nothing is original, to embrace influence, and to create old things in new ways. 
The thing is, copying and being inspired by something are two very VERY different things. 

If you're a beginner...

It's natural to copy what others are doing...and I would actually encourage it! If it's staying in your sketchbook and you're using it as a learning tool, there is nothing wrong with copying an expert. The problem is when someone copies another creative, and then posts that work as their own, without sharing who the original piece was created by...Or worse, sells that as their own. 

When in doubt...

Credit the original artist. He/She might even share your work or give you some encouraging tips.

You DO NOT want to be known as the artist who copies other artists. Instead, take the time to develop your own style until you're known for your own uniqueness. 

As I mentioned above...Steal Like An Artist is an easy and quick read, but packed with important information on this topic. 

Don't steal from other artists...create you own!

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