Find Your Creative Time: 5 Simple Tips for Artists and Creatives

Find Your Creative Time: 5 Simple Tips for Artists and Creatives

Have you ever felt like your creativity has a mind of its own? Maybe it feels impossible to find time to create, or you feel like you’ve been chasing fleeting moments of inspiration. Don't’re not alone.

The secret often lies in finding your creative time—those magical windows in your day or week when you’re naturally more focused, inspired, and ready to create.

Think of it as your personal rhythm for creativity. Everyone has one, and tapping into it can be a total game-changer. When you align your creative efforts with your natural energy peaks, you’re not just working smarter—you’re setting yourself up to experience more joy, flow, and fulfillment in your art or projects.
Below I’m sharing five simple, actionable tips to help you find and harness your creative time. These strategies are designed to fit into your life, whether you’re a full-time creative, a hobbyist squeezing art into your spare moments, or somewhere in between.  

1. Block Out Your Creative Time.

Treat your creative time like a VIP appointment. Pro tip: Block it out early in the day (before your brain gets cluttered with emails...and life!) and stick to it - even 10 minutes counts! Hoping that you find creative time throughout the day is not going to work. Be intentional about this step, and as I said....stick to it!

2. Set Up Your Creative Space.

Setting yourself up for success by keeping your creative space ready to roll can be a game-changer. No one wants to start cleaning up their desk or workspace, especially when they only have 10 minutes of creative time. Making sure your space is always ready to go will help keep those creative juices flowing when that creative spark hits! 

3. Create An Unbreakable Creative Bubble. 

Allowing for any and all distractions is a recipe for creative disaster. Eliminate all other distractions during your creative time! Phone goes in another room, notifications off, and let everyone know this is your creative time. 

4. Create Themed Days Throughout the Week.  

Sometimes having a bit of structure helps narrow down our creative minds. Instead of having an endless amount of possibilities, honing in on something specific can help spark new and unconventional ideas.  It's like giving each day its own creative superpower. Maybe it's "Writing Wednesday" and "Sketching Sunday" , or maybe on Mondays you can't create using any color. 

5. Accountability Matters. 

Whether it's an accountability buddy, a local artists' group, your spouse or sharing your goals online. It's amazing how much more we achieve when we've got someone in our corner. You don't have to share the art you made, but find a buddy who wants to create, too and cheer each other on! 

Remember: consistency beats perfection, and even small steps move you forward. 

Finding your creative time isn’t about forcing yourself to create at a specific hour or matching someone else’s schedule. It’s about tuning into your own rhythm and making the most of the moments when you’re energized and inspired.
Remember, your creative journey is as unique as you are.

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach, and that’s the beauty of it. So give yourself permission to explore, adapt, and grow into the creative flow that feels just right for you.

Now it’s your turn: What’s one tip from this list you’re excited to try? Or do you already have a go-to strategy for finding your creative time? Share in the comments—I’d love to hear what works for you!
Here’s to making this your most inspired, productive, and creatively fulfilling year yet!
xo, mb

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