4 Steps to Better New Years Resolutions

4 Steps to Better New Years Resolutions

2022 is days away, and if you're like many people around the world, it's the perfect time to whip up some New Years Resolutions. While you don't need a new year to set new goals, there is something beautiful about closing the chapter of one year and beginning a new year with fresh eyes and a clear outlook. Before you just jump into those resolutions, I have 4 steps that could help you maximize your resolutions with some clarity.

1. Reflection

Look back at the past year and reflect on how it went. What went well? What went wrong? What was the highlight? What could you do without in the future? Taking inventory on what went well and what didn't can help you narrow your focus on your new goals. 

2. Gratitude

Practicing gratitude has been linked to better sleep, happier moods, and reduced stress.  After reflecting on the past year, take a moment to write down 5-10 things you are grateful for. Maybe you'll want to align your new goals with things that made it to this list. 

3. Vision

Now that you've taken a look back, it's time to visualize the future. What does the end goal look like? Where do you see yourself? What are you doing? Who's there with you? There are so many different ways to approach this step...Simply write out your visions, draw them out, or get creative and design a vision board full of cut out images and words(my favorite)!!

4. Resolution

 You've reflected on the past, practiced gratitude, envisioned your plans in action, and now it's GO time! Write out those New Years Resolutions! I recommend 3-5 specific goals that you could work through individually throughout the year.  Or, 1 big goal with steps to get you there throughout the year. 
Reflection, Gratitude, Vision, Resolution


If one of those goals happens to be learning calligraphy...you're in the right place! You can get a head start by grabbing my lettering guides, but stay tuned for NEW resources coming this year! ...I'll be sharing my goals for 2022 soon! Hears to another great year of growth and learning! 

Cheers to 2022! 


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